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Hello, I'm Wahyudi, Web Developer based in Indonesia.

i'm 22 y/o — software engineer


I am a programmer specializing in website development; when working, I mostly use NextJS and for the server side, I use PHP and NodeJS. Besides coding, I also like listening to music and playing games.


Front-End Development


Proficiency in developing blazing-fast and responsive web applications with Next.js, utilizing Server-Side Rendering (SSR) and Client-Side Rendering (CSR) as required.

Tailwind CSS:

Strong expertise in creating sleek and responsive web interfaces using Tailwind CSS, with the ability to customize designs to meet project needs.

Back-End Development


Advanced skills in using Nest.js to build robust server-side applications, including RESTful and GraphQL APIs. Well-versed in module structuring, middleware, and data management.


Extensive experience in crafting web applications with Laravel, a powerful PHP framework, ranging from content management systems (CMS) to e-commerce solutions and various web applications.


Proficient in leveraging Firebase for real-time databases, authentication, and hosting, enabling the rapid development of scalable web and mobile applications.

Database Management


Proficiency in designing, managing, and optimizing MySQL databases. Capable of crafting complex queries, creating and maintaining database schemas, and addressing performance issues.


Adept at utilizing MongoDB for NoSQL database solutions, offering flexibility and scalability for data storage.

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